Privacy Policy

Update Time: August 1, 2024

Effective Time: August 1, 2024

Dear users, welcome to use our products. We attach great importance to your personal information and privacy protection. Before you use our services, please read and fully understand this privacy policy. If you have any questions, you can contact us through the contact information provided at the end of this policy.

The name of this service: RizzU App

I. Information We Collect

In order to provide you with better services, we may collect the following information:

  1. To ensure the security of your account, network, operation and system, and to prevent phishing website fraud and Trojan viruses, during your use of this product, we will collect your device-related information, including device model, operating system version, software version number, device configuration, device network information, network status, application list, device environment, including the immutable unique device identifier (ICCID, IMEI number, IDFA, OAID, GUID, OPENUDID, SIM card IMSI information, IP, Android ID, running processes, etc.), hardware serial number, OAID, MAC address, network IP, software installation list, etc., for understanding product compatibility and identifying abnormal account status.
  2. User operation logs: Including the operation records generated during your use of our services.

II. How We Use the Collected Information

The information we collect will be used for the following purposes:

  1. To provide you with the function and service of text rewriting.
  2. To optimize our products and enhance your user experience.
  3. To analyze usage situations so that we can better understand user needs and improve our services.
  4. To ensure the security of your account and prevent unauthorized access and use.
  5. To identify device compatibility issues by collecting device information, solve problems, and ensure the normal operation of the service.

III. How We Protect Your Information

  1. We will take reasonable technical measures, such as encryption technology and anonymization processing, to protect your personal information and prevent unauthorized access, use or disclosure.
  2. We will provide strict training to our employees to ensure that they understand and comply with this privacy policy.

IV. Information Disclosure

We highly respect your personal information. Except as required by laws and regulations or otherwise stipulated in this policy, we will not disclose your personal information to any third party without your explicit consent.

V. Use of Third-Party SDKs

SDK Name: Umeng SDK
Purpose of Use: User statistical analysis
Types of Personal Information Collected: Device model, operating system version, software version number, device configuration, device network information, network status, application list, device environment, including the immutable unique device identifier (ICCID, IMEI number, IDFA, OAID, GUID, OPENUDID, SIM card IMSI information, IP, Android ID, running processes, etc.), hardware serial number, OAID, MAC address, network IP, software installation list, etc.
Privacy Policy Link:

SDK Name: Umeng Push SDK
Purpose of Use: To achieve message push on different models, we provide you with a convenient configuration channel for mobile phone manufacturer SDKs (including manufacturers such as Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo, Meizu, Huawei, Honor, etc.). You can access the corresponding SDK when sending messages through the channel of the mobile phone manufacturer, and disclose the collection situation of the selected partner SDK in the privacy policy.
Privacy Policy Link:

SDK Name: (Alipay; mPaaS; Ali Riding Code; Ali Sesame Credit Real-name Authentication; Sesame Authentication; Real-person Authentication)
Purpose of Use: To provide Alipay payment function
Collected Information: Personal commonly used device information (mobile phone number, DEVICEID, device MAC address, IMEI, IMSI, ICCID, BSSID, ANDROID ID, AndroidID, Android_ID, device serial number, software installation list, clipboard information, clipboard, location information, running processes, images, system album SD card data, gravity sensor, gyroscope sensor, acceleration sensor, linear acceleration sensor, clipboard)
Privacy Agreement Link:

VI. Application Self-Startup Capability

To ensure that this application can normally receive broadcast information pushed by the client when it is in a closed or background running state, such as notification reminders after the video production is completed, this application must use the (self-startup) capability, and there will be a certain frequency of sending broadcasts through the system to wake up the application's self-startup or associated startup behavior, which is necessary for the realization of functions and services.

The self-startup capability used by this application is realized by integrating Umeng's SDK, and the specific process is

VII. Privacy Protection for Minors

We attach great importance to the information protection of minors. If you are a minor under the age of 18, please read this policy with the accompaniment of your legal guardian and use our services with the consent of your guardian.

VIII. Account Deletion

After deleting your account, we will stop providing products or services to you and, upon your request, delete or anonymize your information, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations. This may also result in your loss of access to the data in your account. Please operate with caution.

Instructions for deleting Your Account:
If you need to delete the account you registered on the App, you can take the following steps:

  1. You can log in to the app, click on "Mine", click on "Delete Account", and apply for deletelation;
  2. You can complete the deletelation process by yourself.

After deleting the account, we will stop providing products or services to you, permanently delete your account, your registration information, all data in your account, and your usage traces, except for the content that must be retained for a certain period as required by relevant laws and regulations.

IX. Updates to the Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time. If there are any modifications to this policy, we will publish the revised version on our App. If you continue to use our services, it means that you accept and agree to the revised privacy policy.

X. Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about this privacy policy, please contact us through the following methods:

Application Operator Company Name: Beijing Kuaiou Technology Co., Ltd.
Company Registered Address: Room 312, 3rd Floor, Building 1, No. 35 Zhenxing Road, Changping District, Beijing
Contact Information of the Person Responsible for Personal Information Protection:
Application Name: RizzU APP